Welcome to M3 Cattle Company - A Family owned and operated Cattle Company

- MARK 12;30
M3 Cattle Company consists of Ian & Jessica Miller and their children (Abbey, Harley & Riley). Ian Miller started working as a cowboy/ ranch hand in 1992 after serving in the United States Marine Corps. Ian worked on large and small cattle operations throughout the Western U.S. In 2000 Ian and his father (Herbert Miller) started a partnership running commercial cattle which eventually became M3 Cattle Company.
The original M3 Cows were commercial crossbred cattle and were primarily run on privately owned leased ground in the Central Valley and Sierra Nevada foothills of California.
Ian and Jess decided to enter into ranching full time in 2005. The Miller's purchased the Three Twins Ranch outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Three Twins was a desert operation which ran approximately 6 cows to a section (640 acres). In 2007 M3 Cattle expanded by purchasing an additional ranch just outside of Hagerman, NM. The Derrick Draw Ranch near Hagerman and The Three Twins Ranch outside of Carlsbad together encompassed over 60 sections.
In 2009 Ian and Jessica sold the Three Twins and moved outside of Lubbock Texas. They started leasing wheat pasture and retaining ownership of their calves through the feed yard. In 2010 Ian was asked to apply for the manager position on the Lasater Ranch in Matheson Colorado; "Home of the Foundation Herd of Beefmasters". Ian, Jess and their daughter Abbey moved to Matheson. Ian managed, consulted and helped to put on the 2010 Annual "Foundation" Bull Sale. In 2011, Ian and Jess returned to New Mexico and the Derrick Draw Ranch. Ian consulted and helped to market cattle for Dale Lasater until Dales untimely death in 2016.
In 2010, the Derrick Draw Ranch and much of the Southwest was involved in a severe drought. After 2 years of continuous drought and a cow herd dwindling, Ian and Jess decided to relocate to greener pastures. In 2012 M3 Cattle relocated to Oklahoma. Hitchita, Oklahoma and the Miller Ranch is where Ian, Jess and their three girls now call home! The Millers take pride in raising cattle with very little outside supplementation. They run their ranch using a holistic no-nonsense approach to ranching, striving to take care of the animals and land God has blessed them with.
M3 Cattle Company started out running commercial cross bred cows and Beefmaster bulls. Over the years we continuously tried to improve our commercial cows. We primarily ran Beefmaster type cattle and retained our heifers for replacements. Once we were 100 % Beefmaster, we out crossed with reputation quality bulls (trying different breeds) striving for better results. We always placed emphasis on fertility, the production longevity of our females and performance. However, we always felt like we were behind the average on the market come sale day. We noticed in our own cross breeding program that the heavily influenced Angus calves always brought more money. In 2016 M3 Cattle purchased registered Red Angus bred heifers from Cross Diamond Cattle of Nebraska. All of our research lead us to Red Angus Cattle. Living in Oklahoma it can get hot and humid during the summer months. The red hided cattle do better in the heat and have less fly problems than black hided cattle. Red Angus cows are great mothers and the overall disposition of Red Angus cattle is incredible. The Red Angus Cattle Association is a leader in the industry when it comes to data for performance, carcass traits, EPD's etc. The Red Angus Association offers great opportunities for finding marketing niches that can help you market your calves. After 7 years of running purebred Red Angus we can testify that at the end of the day The Red Angus calves make us more money - plain & simple! By implementing our no nonsense M3 Philosophy and using the best trait leading genetics in the industry, we are producing some amazing bulls and females. Come check out our Red Angus Cows or feel free to call for more info.
It all starts with the cow!
1. Fertility is #1.
Without a live calf every year, we can’t make it in the cattle business.
M3 Cows have to breed back every year within 72 days, calve unassisted and raise a calf with little to no supplementation to weaning. (No excuses!)
2. Disposition. We are a family run cattle operation and our friends and family help us work the cows. We don’t need anyone getting run over or hurt because of ill-tempered or “hot cows”. One Nervous cow can get the whole herd stirred up. No bad dispositions allowed – goofy or high headed cows are culled!
3. Structural Soundness & Hardiness. We keep a close eye on feet, leg structure, udders and overall body condition. Cows must have good hoof scores - no trimming here!
We emphasize a “Holistic” Moderate Approach
1. Moderate Framed Cows
A moderate framed cow herd is both practical and profitable.
Moderate framed cows require less overall feed and supplementation intake which will inevitably lower input expenses. Larger cows will always have larger feed requirements. Yet the bigger framed cow can’t wean off enough extra pounds on her calf to justify that extra feed and supplementation cost.
2. Moderate Feed
M3 Cows have to hustle - this means (little) to no outside supplementation. They have to be thrifty and know how to forage and perform up to the expectations we set for them. Plain & simple they need to turn that grass into profit. We cannot make money if we continuously feed the lbs. into our calves.
3. Moderate input expenses
M3 Cattle have to be hardy and strong in our environment and wherever their offspring may go from here. Disease and parasite resistance comes from observation and ruthless culling. We use what is a proven necessary vaccine protocol/ not industry proposed protocol. Why does one cow raised right next to another cow in the same environment with the same feed and treatment excel over her peer? Or have less flies etc.? I don’t know..., but she’s the one we are going to keep!
4. Moderate Numbers
We are talking herd size not performance.
We believe we can raise the best bulls and females for our customers by continuously refining and improving our cattle. By running less head that we have eyes on daily, nothing slips through the cracks! Simply put - QUALITY over QUANTITY!!
Merit is defined as “being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward”.
1. Reputation is everything!
We desire our cattle to stand out in overall performance for us and our customers! Both M3 Bulls and M3 Females go to all different types of environments for our customers. They need to acclimate, make sound, efficient, fertile sires and dams that are feed efficient and produce quality calves.
We want to produce TOP QUALITY CATTLE period!
*The Extra M: To help us remember M3 Cattle Company’s 3 M Philosophy – “MONEY”
(If you are trying to just break even in the cow business you are probably going to go broke. We apply the 3M’s; Maternal + Moderate + Merit (because we believe it leads to profit) = MONEY! M3 philosophy is a practical no nonsense set of standards we implement & follow to help us be more profitable.
Maternal + Moderate + Merit = Profit
M3 Mares are solid ranch horses with cow bred bloodlines. Our mares have to prove themselves before they are ever put with our stud. We raise our own horses’ right here on the ranch. We occasionally have 1 available for sale please feel free to contact us if you’re looking for your next ranch broke gelding or filly.
M3 Cattle takes pride in starting young horses in the right way. We use a natural approach to horsemanship influenced by Ray Hunt, The Dorrance Family, and Buck Brannaman. Ian has been starting horses for over thirty-five years. Ian was able to learn from some of the best horseman out there and has passed these techniques and philosophies down to his children. Though Ian is pretty busy with the cattle business, he is still managing to occasionally start a young colt or filly every now and then.
Dear Customer -
Jess and I have been running cattle together since before we were married. We have tried all different types of ways to run and market our cattle. We have run cattle on leased ground with no care and lease ground with care. We have run both yearlings and cow calf. We purchased our first ranch together in South East New Mexico where we could only run 6 cows to a section (640 acres). The ranch consisted of very little deeded land and the rest was BLM land which we had a permit to run cattle on. Why? Because at the time it was the cheapest ground we could find to run cattle on that we could afford with our down payment. We have run M3 cattle in CA, AZ, NM, Texas Panhandle, and now in Oklahoma. We have sold weaner calves, backgrounded calves, yearlings off of wheat, and followed cattle all the way to the rail .We tried the all-natural niche and we have tried the Vac Protocols to get paid a “premium”. We have struggled and almost lost everything more than once due to unforeseen crash in cattle market and the drought of 2010 -2012. We have done all this while trying to keep a marriage and family together. Jess has always worked as an RN helping to keep us a float. “Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town”. This is definitely a team effort – it takes the whole family to make it work and receiving a pay check is not always in the equation. We love what we do otherwise it wouldn’t be worth doing. The lord has blessed us and we have met good people along the way and some have helped when we needed it the most.
My point is –
We know and understand the struggles. We know what it takes to be in this business and the sacrifices you have to make along the way. We can’t afford to feed any more than necessary or jump on every new vaccine protocol that comes along. We have to stay practical while still progressing and demanding forage based performance –
Simply put - Our cows and bulls have to work for us and for you – period!
-Ian Miller
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